Ways to Give

Donations of any size help us sustain our mission,
and each contribution truly makes a difference!

Your donations make it possible for us to keep rescuing farm animals, to provide a comfortable permanent
home for our growing sanctuary family of residents, and to continue educating people about the realities of
animal agriculture. Every dollar you give to Iowa Farm Sanctuary is spent on rescue, veterinary care,
necessary equipment and supplies, educational programming, and personnel.

Make a donation through PayPal using a credit card, debit card, or e-check.

When you donate through PayPal Giving Fund, all processing fees are covered by PayPal. You’ll also automatically receive a PayPal Giving Fund donation tax receipt.

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In the Venmo app, find us here: @IOWAFARMSANCTUARY.

Start your own Facebook fundraiser for Iowa Farm Sanctuary! Invite your family and friends to contribute for your birthday, another special occasion, or just because.

When selecting the nonprofit recipient, simply type in Iowa Farm Sanctuary and our logo should pop right up!

Monthly donations of any amount through Patreon gain you access to special patrons-only posts, and monthly donations of $5 or more include a variety of supporter benefits through tiered giving levels. Patreon provides the opportunity to set your preferred giving amount and have the funds automatically transferred to Iowa Farm Sanctuary each month!

Purchase items directly from our Amazon Wishlist and have them sent right to us at Iowa Farm Sanctuary!

Our Wishlist is always up to date, so you can be sure that any gifts you send will be used right away, whether that’s animal food, new pitchforks, or anything else we need.

Select Iowa Farm Sanctuary as your charity of choice on Amazon Smile. Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to us —no fees, no extra cost.

Send us a digital gift card to Theisen’s! This will enable us to directly purchase animal feed, bedding, farm equipment such as gates and tools, and more from our closest local farm supply store. Just enter our email address as the recipient at checkout: contact@iowafarmsanctuary.org.

Our Tax ID & EIN:

Download our Letter of Determination

You may also write a personal check to Iowa Farm Sanctuary and send it by mail to:
1696 250th St NW Oxford, IA 52322