
Lifetime sponsors:
Brad & Susann Aden

Sponsored By
Melanie Tipton

Floyd’s life began in the dairy industry, where he, like all male calves, was considered a waste product because male cows cannot produce milk. It’s perhaps the dairy industry’s most protected secret that male calves are almost always sold as veal. Heartbreakingly, calves used for veal are generally slaughtered at just 18 weeks of age. 

Our good friend, Jason Bolalek (Destination Liberation), has made it his life’s work to liberate male calves from the dairy industry. When Jason reached out to see if we had the capacity to take in a male dairy calf in early June 2020, we knew we had to make it happen. Jason prefers to transport calves in pairs, as it’s better for their emotional wellbeing—and as it turned out, Jason was able to liberate two calves. So, Jason, Floyd, and his “brother” Francis embarked on a two-day freedom ride to IFS from the east coast. We will never forget the powerful moment when the boys arrived at the sanctuary, carefully exploring their new home and then bursting into freedom frolics when they realized they were safe.

Floyd is truly the sweetest young man around. Since the moment we met him, Floyd’s gentle, slightly shy, but very affectionate personality has melted our hearts. He’s soulful, thoughtful, and cautious. He and Francis have remarkably different personalities, and we cherish all of their unique quirks. The fact that our sweet, innocent Floyd was originally destined for slaughter is an unbearable truth that we vow to never forget. 

It is impossible to consume dairy products without supporting the veal industry. For Floyd, Francis, and all male calves born into the dairy industry, please consider the true cost of dairy, and choose plant-based alternatives. 

Sponsor Floyd for a Year
$78.00 every month
Sponsor Floyd for a Month