
Sponsored By
Vickie Brink,
Judy Hessenauer,
Tasha & Alyssa,
Erika Griffin,
Jenny Ruffalo,
Katherine Ward,
Laura Kiker, in honor of Jim Thornley,
The Sugar-George Families,
Leif Miller,
Stephanie Arroyo,
Susan Weida

Like many of our male bovine residents, Sheldon’s young life nearly came to an abrupt end. He was born at the same dairy that Tay, Calvin, and Connor came from. Fortunately for Sheldon, he was born “too small” for the bull buyer to consider him worth purchasing for veal. That is when an employee at the dairy reached out to us to see if we could take him. Herbie had been needing a friend since Tay’s passing, so the timing was perfect.

Sheldon is 100% sass and we love him for it. He is incredibly handsome, independent, just perfect. We are grateful to be able to provide safety and peace for him. He and Herbie are already the best of friends. A lifetime of sanctuary, together.

Sponsor Sheldon for a Year
$78.00 every month
Sponsor Sheldon for a Month